What is acupuncture?
Traditional acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine, used for thousands of years to promote and support good health.
Acupuncturists use very fine, single-use needles inserted into the body to achieve a specific effect
Acupuncturists look for the root cause of health problems, as well as treating the symptoms. Evaluating how lifestyle, emotions, stress, and diet contribute to ill health forms part of the tailor-made treatment approach.
What conditions can it treat?
Acupuncture can be used for almost any health condition. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions
What happens during the initial consultation?
A detailed medical history will be taken to allow a full understanding of your health issues.
Palpation of acupuncture channels, on the arms, legs, back, and torso forms the major part of the assessment.
Observation of the tongue and taking the pulse form part of the traditional acupuncture diagnosis.
I will then go ahead with the acupuncture.
How long does treatment last?
Initial consultations are around 60 mins
Follow-up appointments are 45 - 60 mins
How often do you need to come?
That depends on your individual condition. At first, your acupuncturist will normally ask to see you once or twice a week. You may start to feel benefits after the first or second treatment although long-standing and chronic conditions usually need more time to improve. Once your health has stabilised you may need top-up treatments every few weeks. Traditional acupuncture is also very effective when used as preventive healthcare and many people like to go for 'retuning' sessions throughout the year.
How much does it cost?
Otley - Initial consultation and treatment £50, Follow up treatment £45
Knaresborough - Initial consultation and treatment and follow up treatments £50
Is all acupuncture the same?
There are different styles of acupuncture.
The style I use is based on ancient Chinese Acupuncture theory. Some acupuncturists use a style based on Japanese acupuncture. Dry needling is another style of acupuncture that tends to be used by Physiotherapists, osteopaths, and Doctors.
What qualifications do you need to use acupuncture?
All members of the Association of Acupuncture (AAC) clinicians or the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) have undertaken a three-year Honours degree in Acupuncture, and are required to regularly update their skills with training.
Physiotherapists, osteopaths, and doctors can use acupuncture as part of their treatment, the acupuncture training for these health practitioners tend to be shorter courses.
If would like to make an appointment or just have a chat about how acupuncture could help you, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
How does it work?
The Traditional Acupuncture perspective is that ill health, pain, and injury are caused by imbalances in the energetics
of the body; acupuncture aims to restore balance to the body.
The Western medical perspective is that acupuncture stimulates nerves under the skin, resulting in the release of naturally occurring substances, such as endorphins, which account for the therapeutic effects.
Both approaches work by using acupuncture points located throughout the body. The correct selection of acupuncture points and point combinations is fundamental to acupuncture treatment.
Trained in both Eastern and Western acupuncture techniques I integrate both approaches to give a comprehensive approach to healthcare, tailored specifically for you.
What people say about AP Acupuncture
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, a friend who’d had a similar diagnosis and four years’ experience of treatment encouraged me to explore acupuncture which was entirely new to me.
Alison has been treating me since just before starting a course of chemotherapy and her approach, knowledge and expertise have given me complete confidence in acupuncture therapy under her guidance. With two rounds of chemotherapy behind me and managing the side effects well, acupuncture has become an important part of my overall treatment and I’m glad to have Alison working with me to give my body the best chance of recovery